Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A New Love

I'm not sure if a smoothie is really a dessert, but this one is so good I think it might just qualify. I posted this receipe last week and thought I'd add a new intro and enter it for the I Heart Faces dessert theme this week. You can check out more yummy entries over at their site!

A month or so ago I went to a little lunch place called Alladin's with my co-workers. I highly recommend the Hummus with added hot sauce and a Shish Kabob Rolled Pita. Yum!

Anyway, I had been there before and knew how wonderful the food was, so little did I expect to fall in love on this visit. The recipient of this new found love was a smooth, sweet and succulent smoothie made with bananas, honey and milk. I've been trying for weeks to make a replica of this goodness and almost got it perfect yesterday. I thought I would share the details so you could share in the sheer joy of a banana, milk and honey smoothie.

I first let my bananas reach the peak of ripeness. Once they were perfect, three of them were chunked up and placed into the freezer (freezing is key, so don't skip this step). I'm pretty sure chunked is not an actual technical cooking term, but it sounded better than sliced. The bananas remained in the freezer for about two hours. I should have left them longer, but I was a bit impatient about beginning my masterpiece.

Next, I dug through the pantry for a local honey that I recently picked up at the Harrison Home Bakery. This is some good stuff. I don't really measure when I cook so I'm not exactly sure how much went into this batch. I just keep adding until it tastes like I want it. It really depends on how sweetness you want in your smoothie.

Milk is the final ingredient. I prefer 1% from United Dairy Farmers or Kroger. My husband thinks it all tastes the same and I am a little strange, but these two brands really do taste the best. Again, no measuring here. If you like thick smoothies, use less; thin smoothies, use more. Make it your own.

Finally, it all came together for a quick blend.

And there you have it. A beautiful smooth treat for your tongue. I didn't have a glass quite special enough to display it, but it tasted wonderful regardless!


  1. It sounds yummy & I agree with you, Kroger & UDF milk are the best :)

  2. Bananas are my favorite. Seriously. I just love them so much. This looks delicious! So good in fact. I am going to throw my bananas in the freezer right this second.

  3. Yummy! We love Smoothies

  4. You did a fab job with your yummy dessert and fab bokeh!

  5. Sounds great! I love smoothies in the morning for breakfast hmmm. I'll have to put the banana's in the freezer tonight :)
