Monday, September 21, 2009

I Heart Faces - Completely Candid

Another post for the I ♥ Faces weekly photo challenge. I just love this site! It is really making me think about my pictures in new ways and teaching me great editing tips/tricks. Checking out all the submissions provides me with loads of inspiration each week.

The theme this week is completely candid. I thought this picture of my daughter Allie was perfect. It was taken during a Labor Day getaway to my brother and sister-in-law's house. We were getting ready for dinner and Allie seemed to be enjoying her task! I love the sun reflecting on her wild and crazy hair,which is down and wind blown in her favorite fashion and the happy, content smile captured on her face. Just one of the many blessings in my life!


  1. That is so sweet! It makes me think of my own childhood - we had a big garden and shucking corn was often my job! :)

  2. she looks so happy . such a seet moment in time to capture.

  3. This is such an AMAZING photo! She's so beautiful too! :)

  4. Nice shot! She looks so happy! Love the sepia tone here.

  5. thank you for the comments! i just love these photo challenges. :)

  6. What a sweet picture! She is just so darling.

